D11SR Auxiliary Press Releases

Past Press Releases

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

RE: Anthony Turner Summary of Invoices Report Available

You have a new message regarding your mail.

Thank you,

Anthony Turner

----Original Message----- Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 15:29 From: "" [mailto:anthonyjturner1.press@blogger.com] To: "Anthony Turner" <anthony.turner@yahoo.com> Importance: High Subject: Re: Anthony Turner Online Payment - Ref Id: D47600

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Invoice February 2019


Can you advise when this invoice was sent and to whom as I don't deal with invoices it should be redirect.


Thank you for being a valued customer and using Anthony Turner.


Anthony Turner 290-500-6323 O 290-500-6686 F e:anthony.turner@yahoo.com


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Anthony Turner Payment for invoice


Anthony Turner


Thank you for your valued custom.

We have received your payment in the amount of $478.00 for invoice .

You may view this by clicking on the following link:

Anthony Turner

Phone (Cell):
Phone (Home):


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Payment receipt for eInvoice 34407




We are appreciate your immediate attention to this matter.

We have received your payment in the amount of $1,668.00 for invoice 34407

View form(s) or to download, visit:

Anthony Turner

Office 861-141-3535
Fax 861-141-3809


Monday, January 21, 2019

Anthony Turner - Invoice


Please can you resend the copy invoice, perhaps in another format.

You can download view using this link

Hope to hear from you soon.

Anthony Turner


Thursday, January 17, 2019

Order #174-0041046-0632007

Hello ,

Thank you for shopping with us. We confirmation that your item has shipped. Your order details are available on link below. The payment details of your transaction can be found on the order invoice.

Your estimated delivery date is:
Friday, January 18, 2019 - Sunday, January 20, 2019

Your shipping speed:
Standard Order details

Payment Summary

Order #174-0041046-0632007
Item Subtotal: $208.60
Shipping & Handling: $7.10

Total Before Tax: $215.70
Estimated Tax: $19.41

Order Total: $235.11

To learn more about ordering, go to Ordering from Amazon.com.
If you want more information or need more assistance, go to Help

Thank you for shopping with us.

The payment for your invoice is processed by Amazon Payments, Inc. P.O. Box 81226 Seattle, Washington 98108-1226. If you need more information, please contact (866) 219-1110

Unless otherwise noted, items sold by Amazon.com LLC are subject to sales tax in select states in accordance with the applicable laws of that state. If your order contains one or more items from a seller other than Amazon.com LLC, it may be subject to state and local sales tax, depending upon the seller's business policies and the location of their operations. Learn more about tax and seller information.

Items in this order may be subject to California's Electronic Waste Recycling Act. If any items in this order are subject to that Act, the seller of that item has elected to pay any fees due on your behalf.

This email was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Your invoice is attached for December 2018 - (Account Number P5892570)


Attached are your payment documentation and invoice.

I have enclosed a copy of the invoice for your reference, you can download view using this link

Best wishes

Anthony Turner

Contact Number: 759 093-3906 ext.0
Email ID:anthony.turner@yahoo.com

Sent from my Samsung device